All-in-One, Single Cabinet Design
•Automatic cleaning and manual cleaning with both a flow-through brush for the outside of the guns and a wash nozzle for the inside
•Hose Cleaning: Hose is flushed with Wash Solvent, Air, Clean Solvent and Air again, all in less than 60 seconds
•Level Gauge for Clean Solvent Pail indicates time to recycle
•Durable, rust free, stainless construction for years of service
•Recycles 19 litres in about 4 hours
•Faster cook time with hardened aluminum tank
•Continue to clean spray guns while solvent is recycling
•Complete with corrosive resistant pails
•Large wash tank – 20″ W x 17″ D x 15″ H
Patent No. 4,785,836 in USA. Many Patents in place in other countries
Diaphragm Pump
Air Consumption: 2 CFM (58 litres per minute)
Output: 3 US Gal (12 litres) per minute at 85 PSI (5.8 kg/cm2)